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- Frankenthal
- ACHAT Hotel Frankenthal in der Pfalz
Apartments and rates
Category | m2 | rooms | max. guests | from 30 nights |
Apartment | 18 | 1 | 2 | 1.350,00 - 1.350,00 |
* The prices quoted are minimum prices and apply per night per flat for single and double occupancy, including statutory VAT and the licence fee. Prices may vary during trade fairs, public holidays and in the high season.
Payment must be made 30 days in advance. The maximum stay is 6 months.
- Apartment type: studio
- Apartment size: 18 m2
- Max. number of guests: 2
from 30 nights
Apartment facilities
Apartment facilities
living area
kitchen & housekeeping
sleeping area
technical equipment