Serviced Apartments in Hamburg
Kronsaalsweg 88, 22525 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
24-31 m2
| max. 4 guests
from 90 nights from 75,00 € per night
10 - 28 nights from 89,00 € per night
Sportallee 4, 22335 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
40- 55 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: 7 nights
30 - 89 nights from 81,00 € per night
Steintorweg 9, 20099 Hamburg, Germany
22-60 m2
| max. 7 guests
| minimum stay: 1 night
per month from 896,00 € per month
from 1 nights from 49,00 € per night
Sachsenstraße 15, 20097 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 0.5-bedroom apartment
18-57 m2
| max. 2 guests
| minimum stay: 3 months
6 - 12 months from 1.339,00 € per month
Oeverseestraße 7, 22769 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 0.5-bedroom apartment
19-62 m2
| max. 2 guests
| minimum stay: 3 months
6 - 12 months from 1.339,00 € per month
Parkstraße 1, 21682 Stade, Germany
studio to 2.5-bedroom apartment
33 -100 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: 20 nights
20 - 89 nights from 48,00 € per night
Lemsahler Landstraße 57, 22397 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
30-46 m2
| max. 3 guests
| minimum stay: 14 nights
from 14 nights from 49,83 € per night
Knoopstraße 35, 21073 Hamburg, Germany
1-bedroom apartment to studio
30 m2
| max. 2 guests
30 - 89 nights from 54,00 € per night
Hannoversche Straße 88a, 21079 Hamburg, Germany
20 m2
| max. 2 guests
from 27 nights from 1.770,00 € per month
1 - 26 nights from 62,00 € per night
Am Sandtorkai 46, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
18-37 m2
| max. 2 guests
| minimum stay: 2 nights
from 29 nights from 62,00 € per night
2 - 6 nights from 119,00 € per night
Schottweg 9, 22087 Hamburg, Germany
23-70 m2
| max. 2 guests
| minimum stay: 7 nights
from 29 nights from 64,00 € per night
Heckscherstraße 46, 20253 Hamburg, Germany
36-45 m2
| max. 2 guests
| minimum stay: 29 nights
from 29 nights from 64,00 € per night
Poßmoorweg 6, 22031 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
20.5-38 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: 7 nights
29 - 84 nights from 73,45 € per night
Schrötteringksweg 16, 22085 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
20-61 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: 14 nights
from 1 months from 78,00 € per night
Museumstraße 37, 22765 Hamburg, Germany
18-30 m2
| max. 2 guests
30 - 89 nights from 81,00 € per night
2 - 29 nights from 95,00 € per night
Klosterallee 72, 20144 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 2-bedroom apartment
20-80 m2
| max. 4 guests
from 1 months from 90,00 € per night
1 - 6 nights from 135,00 € per night
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 7, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 2-bedroom apartment
26-65 m2
| max. 6 guests
| minimum stay: 1 night
from 30 nights from 90,00 € per night
1 - 6 nights from 109,00 € per night
Carsten-Rehder-Straße 71, 22767 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
50-71 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: The Executive and Deluxe Apartments require a minimum stay of 2 nights.
15 - 29 nights from 101,50 € per night
1 - 4 nights from 121,50 € per night
Kapstadtring 1, 22297 Hamburg, Germany
27-39 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: 7
from 30 nights from 105,00 € per night
7 - 29 nights from 140,00 € per night
Ditmar-Koel-Straße 1, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
28-65 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: The Maisonette Apartments require a minimum stay of 2 nights.
15 - 29 nights from 109,00 € per night
1 - 4 nights from 126,00 € per night
Herbert-Weichmann-Straße 60-62, 22085 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
26-46 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: 1 month
per month from 112,00 € per night
Gurlittstraße 23, 20099 Hamburg, Germany
40 m2
| max. 4 guests
from 30 nights from 125,00 € per night
1 - 29 nights from 150,00 € per night
Schaarsteinweg 4, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 2-bedroom apartment
35-70 m2
| max. 4 guests
from 28 nights from 139,00 € per night
1 - 6 nights from 169,00 € per night
Rothenbaumchaussee 197, 20149 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
55-110 m2
| max. 4 guests
from 1 months from 155,00 € per night
1 - 6 nights from 215,00 € per night
Neuer Steinweg 26, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
27-45 m2
| max. 3 guests
| minimum stay: 14 nights
30 - 59 nights from 179,00 € per night
Willy-Brandt-Straße 25, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
studio to 1-bedroom apartment
29-40 m2
| max. 4 guests
| minimum stay: 14 nights
30 - 59 nights from 179,00 € per night
Experience Hamburg!
The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is one of the most popular metropolises in Europe. For centuries, business and trade have flourished here, with hundreds of ships entering and leaving the port every day and goods from all over the world being handled. The city is also at the forefront of the consumer goods industry and the aerospace and information technology sectors.
Business and leisure travellers can choose from well over 2,000 serviced apartments in Hamburg. These can be booked through our portal and are an extremely affordable alternative to hotels. Serviced apartments in Hamburg offer their residents individuality, privacy, free space and score above all with their price advantage over hotels of a comparable category.
Living in Hamburg
"The gateway to the world", as Hamburg is also called, is always worth a trip. We offer serviced apartments in Hamburg with a view of the Michel, at the Hamburg Fish Market, on the Alster or directly at the piers . You can also find our apartments in the modern Hafencity, the Speicherstadt, in Eimsbüttel, Flottbek or Altona. Thanks to the excellent public transport network, you can reach Hamburg's old town easily and quickly from any part of the city. Here you can experience the historic Hamburg up close, best during an extended walk along the town hall to the listed Speicherstadt.
Art & culture in Hamburg
Sie planen einen Langzeitaufenthalt in Hamburg? Sicher möchten Sie dabei die Vorzüge der hanseatischen Gastronomie und des legendären Hamburger Nachtlebens erleben. „Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb eins“ ist wohl eines der bekanntesten Lieder um die Hamburger Reeperbahn in St. Pauli. Die Straße im Vergnügungsviertel verläuft vom Millerntor bis hin zum Nobistor. Von dort aus erreichen Sie jede Menge Bars, Kneipen, Restaurants und Clubs. Auch das berühmte Schmidt-Theater, welches durch seine Mitternachtsshow Berühmtheit erlangte, die seit 1989 regelmäßig im NDR-Fernsehen übertragen wurde, sind einen Besuch wert.
Are you planning a long-term stay in Hamburg? Surely you would like to experience the benefits of the Hanseatic gastronomy and the legendary Hamburg nightlife. "On the Reeperbahn at half past twelve at night" is probably one of the most famous songs around Hamburg's Reeperbahn in St. Pauli. The street in the entertainment district runs from Millerntor to Nobistor. From there you can reach lots of bars, pubs, restaurants and clubs. The famous Schmidt-Theater, which gained fame for its midnight show, which has been regularly broadcast on NDR television since 1989, are also worth a visit.
Places to visit in and around Hamburg
A visit to the Altona fish market should be mandatory for anyone who has decided to stay for a while. This takes place every Sunday from 5 to 9:30 am. There you can get lots of fresh fish, which you can prepare in your apartment. The main Protestant church Sankt Michaelis - called "Michel" for short, is probably the most famous church in Hamburg and offers a wonderful view of the entire city from the more than 130 m high tower. Also worth seeing is the Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg in the Speicherstadt. The exhibition shows the largest model railroad layout in the world, which extends over several floors of the warehouse.