For a long time, the idea had been buzzing around in Anett Gregorius' head:
The world of temporary living needs its own trade magazine. An online platform that makes it possible to read and experience the contents of the industry meeting beyond the annual SO!APART. A platform on which the players in the industry can obtain background information, original market information, analyses and much more.
And this idea has now become reality. Since June 18, 2021, SO!APART insight exists.
At, you'll get on-the-spot researched background reports, news from the world of temporary living, information on players and current case law, interviews, podcasts, and updates from the ever-turning personnel merry-go-round.
You as a reader, listener, viewer can go deeper into all topics beyond what can be read anywhere. And above all, you can become part of SO!APART insight by entering into an intensive exchange with your market companions and us - in guest articles, opinion pieces, in the new podcast, in everything that makes communication so exciting.
Our list of topics is long and exciting. At the same time, we are independent, passionate and also critical, if need be. With the help of our paid content subscription models, we can continue to focus solely on content. To give you a feel for the content, you can read all the articles for free over the next two weeks. Feel free to take a look and become an Insightler!
The SO!APART insight has started - we are very excited!
If you have any questions, suggestions, topic ideas, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Best regards,
Anett Gregorius, Editor of SO!APART insight and Founder & Owner of Apartmentservice &
Sylvie Konzack, Editor in Chief of SO!APART insight