Australia climbs to the top of the country comparison and relegates the USA and Canada - the frontrunners in the last study in 2020 - to second and third place. The UK is in fourth place and no longer Germany. However, Germany remains the most popular non-English-speaking country in fifth place. These are the findings of the ‘Decoding Global Talent’ labour market study conducted by the Stepstone Group in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group and The Network. More than 150,000 employees from over 180 countries, including over 14,000 in Germany, took part in the survey.
London takes first place among the international metropolises this year, followed by Amsterdam and Dubai. Berlin comes in sixth place after Abu Dhabi and New York.
Job quality in Germany as the main reason
The study sees international mobility as a great opportunity for the labour market. Despite current geopolitical and economic crises, according to the authors, almost one in four respondents stated that they are currently actively looking for a job outside their home country. The proportion of those who would be prepared in principle to go abroad for a job is at a high level of 63 per cent worldwide, even though it was still 78 per cent in 2018.
Germany is primarily a destination country for people from Bosnia and Herzegovina (32 per cent), Turkey (30 per cent), Pakistan and Hungary (26 per cent each). Germans themselves are more likely to be drawn to Switzerland, Austria, the USA and Spain - but the willingness to leave the country for a job is much less pronounced in Germany. Only just under 7 per cent are currently actively looking for a job outside Germany, and in general less than half would want to work abroad.
Facilitate conditions and opportunities
Those who come also make companies responsible: 77 per cent of incoming workers expect their future employer to take significant care of the immigration process, for example with visas and work permits.
‘It's a huge opportunity that so many people are keen to move to Germany for a good job,’ emphasises Dr Tobias Zimmermann, labour market expert at The Stepstone Group and co-author of the study. ‘Politics and business should work even more closely together to promote more flexible and faster labour market integration.’
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